Osseo School Board elects officers: Dawson-Walton takes over as Chair | Education | hometownsource.com

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Heather Douglass, Tamara Grady and Jackie Mosqueda-Jones were sworn in at the Osseo District School Board meeting on January 12. Douglas and Mosqueda-Jones are returning board members and Grady is elected in the November general election.

Community editor

The Oseo School District held its first meeting in 2021 on January 12 and elected officials for the coming year.

Kelsey Dawson-Walton was elected chairman of the board, and Jackie Mosqueda-Jones won the position of vice chairman. Heather Douglas was re-elected as secretary of the board and Tonya Simmons will serve as treasurer.

Dawson-Walton defeated Simons 4-2. Dawson-Walton was nominated by Mosqueda-Jones; Simmons was nominated by Douglas. Dawson-Walton and her new board members Thomas Brooks and Tamara Grady all got their votes, except for Mosqueda-Jones. Simmons has his own and Douglas votes.

Dawson-Walton replaced Mike Ostaffe, who defeated him by a narrow margin in the November 3 general election, hoping to return to the board.

"Now, more than ever, we need leadership skills to lead with passion, stand by, participate in common solutions and conversations, and build bridges between all the opportunities facing our region, academics, families and communities," Dawson -Said Walton. "I want our board to be seen as a community that works with our scholars, our family, teachers and staff, and become a team builder across all cultures, backgrounds, populations, cities, and truly learn from each other to ensure that we task.

"I want us to a point where we can see and take action, that is, our greatest advantage is that we work together for all scholars in the region, and we don’t miss the talents of any young people. Most importantly, I want all of us Of 22,000 scholars remain at the forefront of every decision we make."

Mosqueda-Jones said: "I believe Kelsey (will) will be an excellent chairman because of her experience and very close ties with several of our partners." "She is an influential person. Every student has a strong voice of advocacy."

Before the vote, Douglass expressed support for Simons, who previously served as vice chairman.

"During her tenure as Vice Chairman, Tonya has always demonstrated her commitment to serving our community, with a focus on providing all students with academic excellence and purposeful leadership. She serves the board of directors and Our stakeholder service is a natural choice."

In proving his role, Douglas said:

“In the past year, we have faced difficult board meetings. I keep in mind the importance of the work we do and the values ​​and missions we represent in every action inside and outside the board meetings. I intend to continue to work hard to achieve the board’s Consensus, professional and respectable behavior, and ensure that the views of all stakeholders are discussed and considered, respected and appreciated.

“In order to perform the duties of chairman outside of board meetings, I have the flexibility of the workplace to respond to current issues and communication needs, meet with leadership and stakeholders and support regional activities. The chairman of the board is our region, we The leadership and the culture we hope to create in each building sets the tone. This is the role of servant-leader and one of the greatest members of our community."

In the vote on the vice chairman, Mosqueda-Jones defeated Douglass 4-2. Mosqueda-Jones was nominated by Grady; Simmons' Douglas Mosqueda-Jones was supported by her, Grady, Dawson Walton and Brooks.

Mosqueda-Jones said: "Because of my knowledge and experience in education in multiple communities, I believe I will become an effective vice chairman." "I am a servant leader and moved here with my family since 1978 when I was 10 years old. Since then, I have lived and/or worked in every part of the school district."

When nominating Mosqueda-Jones, Grady said: “Jackie is a collaborative leader. She brings decades of special education teaching experience and recognized cultural capabilities to the board. She has done all of this work and focused on Provide fair and quality service to every student."

In the remaining positions, Douglass will retain his position and Simons will serve as treasurer. Simons has a bachelor's degree in accounting and a master's degree from the Carlson School of Management.

MOSQUEDA-JONES role expansion

The night Mosqueda-Jones won other positions is not over yet. She won Douglass with a vote of 4 to 2 as the representative of the Intermediate District 287 Joint Committee of the Osseo School District. The school district serves unique learners in 11 school districts in the western metropolis and specializes in special education, alternative learning colleges (ALC), transition services, vocational and technical education, online learning, and gifted education.

Mosqueda-Jones said: “I navigated and helped write personal education plans as a teacher and parent, and received extensive training to understand trauma, trauma responses, including doctoral work in marriage and family health,” Mosqueda- Jones said. "I also work hard to improve my knowledge and engage in bilingual work."

Among other decisions of the board of directors:

The agreed agenda was approved, including the designation of Osseo/Maple Grove Press, Plymouth Sun Sailor and Brooklyn Park Sun Post as the official newspapers in the area.

The approved remuneration of board members for 2021 is set at $800 per month for the chairman of the board, $725 for the board secretary, and $725 per month for other board members. Each member can also get a monthly reimbursement or miscellaneous expenses of $50, including regional miles. These compensation figures were determined in 2016 and have not increased since then.

At the beginning of the meeting, SWORN became a member of the board of directors, including Douglass, Mosqueda-Jones and Grady. Douglas and Mosqueda-Jones are returning members. After winning a place in the November election, Grady officially began her term.

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