Grand Rapids, Michigan (Wood)-Friday’s live conversation was welcomed by Greg Sanial and Maria Cimitile of Grand Canyon State University, where they discussed campus hygiene when students plan to return to campus this weekend.
Sanial is the head of the Virus Action Team of the university and the vice president of finance and management. Cimitile is the Dean.
“We remodeled classic bunk bed university dorms and things; those became singles,” Sanial said of the dorm transition. "Usually we have about 6,000. There are 6,100 student beds on campus. Currently, we only take up about 5,000 and 4,900 spaces to create the distance we need to isolate ourselves from society."
"Wearing a mask is still very important," Cimitile added. "Even if vaccinated, we still require people to wear masks and wear them correctly, which means covering their noses and mouths whether they are indoors or outdoors."
Sanial and Cimitile also test and vaccinate currently qualified students (whether they are faculty or staff or students at risk).
You can watch a replay of the Live Desk conversation on or above WOOD TV8.
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Grand Rapids (WOOD), Michigan—During Black History Month, many organizations in the Grand Rapids area moved their activities online due to national awareness of racism and racial inequality.
Below, find a list of events in Grand Rapids and its surrounding area, listed in alphabetical order by the organization that runs the program:
Zeeland Town (Wood), Michigan-The Ottawa County Sheriff's Department and six other fire departments were ordered to conduct a commercial fire in Ottawa County on Saturday morning.
At around 10:34 am on Saturday morning, firefighters and representatives opened fire at the "Forefront" excavation on Chicago Drive between Hudsonville and Zeeland.
Zeeland, Michigan (Wood) — Three cows scattered in the driveway were killed in a crash near Zeeland early Friday morning.
The Ottawa County Sheriff’s Office said that someone called the representative around 3:30 in the morning and reported that a driver hit some cattle at the Chicago Drive intersection near 76th Avenue in Zeeland.
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