Call for Submissions: 2021 AISC/ACSA Steel Design Student Competition | ArchDaily

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The 21st Annual Steel Design Student Competition challenges undergraduates and graduate students, both individually and in teams, to explore various design issues related to the use of steel in design and construction. Steel must be used as the main structural material, and contain at least one space that requires a large-span steel structure, with special emphasis on innovation in steel design. The 2021 Steel Design Student Competition will provide architectural students with the opportunity to participate in two independent categories of competitions:

Category 1: Workplace Health Challenges Architecture students rethink the nature of work in the post-pandemic era and how to design overall physical and mental health for all building residents. We ask you to go beyond the traditional single focus on worker productivity and consider an environment where everyone is safe and prosperous.

The second category: Open courses provide students majoring in architecture with opportunities to choose sites and architectural plans. These sites and architectural plans use steel as the main material. This competition category provides maximum flexibility for any building type.

Winning students and their faculty sponsors will receive a total of US$20,000 in cash prizes!

Teachers must register students before April 7, 2021.

The competition is sponsored by the Association of University Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). Want more information,

The competition was submitted by ArchDaily users. If you want to submit a contest, solicit opinions or other architectural "opportunities", please use our

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